Well, it’s about that time again… Football season is upon us!
Whether you’re a football fan or not, you likely have friends or family who love football. That means you’ve likely spent a Sunday or two (and the occasional Monday night) hanging around certain “football foods” like pizza, wings, and all sorts of yummy, not so calorie-friendly foods. As we know we definitely do not have to avoid these foods all together. Sometimes you can (and should) eat the pizza! However, if this is becoming every Sunday thing you may find it difficult to hit your goals and stay on plan. Perhaps you can try doing football season a little differently this year. Here are some healthy swaps that may help you stay on plan:
Here are a few more fun and healthy ideas to try:
Happy football season and may the odds forever be in your team's favor! Comments are closed.
AuthorI'm Paul Leonard, CEO & founder of PLT Nutrition. Categories